Location From the railway station the Gandharv Residency Hotel, Pune is 7 minutes. Guests take about 20 minutes from the airport to the hotel. Another important factor that makes the location of the hotel so unique and good is that it is within the proximity of the Deccan Gymkhana. This is the entertainment hub where you will find cafes and shopping centers.
Area City Center
Discription Gandharv Residency Hotel, Pune promises you a memorable stay. Located in one of the best parts of the city of Pune, this is a perfect holiday retreat. Facilities in the Gandharv Residency Hotel, Pune include
everything from dining to conference facilities. Services in the hotel cater to the needs of the business and the
leisure tourists alike.
How to Reach Airport: 5KM., Railway Station:
1KM., Bus Station: 2KM.