Hotel Savoy
Hotel Savoy Agra, India
Location:Heart of the city,
Area:City Center
How to Reach:Airport: 12KM., Railway Station: 5KM., Bus Station: 4KM.
Discription:While staying at Hotel Savoy at Agra India, the guests can avail all facilities of a standard medium budget hotel. The guestrooms at Hotel Savoy Agra are replete with all modern day facilities like attached bath, running hot and cold water, telephone and room service. Banquet facilities that are available at Hotel Savoy Agra India are standard and are just right for small conferences and meetings. For recreation, the visitors staying at Hotel Savoy Agra can look forward to a number of sightseeing tours in and around the city. he beverages that accompany various meals at the in house restaurant at Hotel Savoy Agra are truly exotic and refreshing.