Hotel Trimurty International
Budget Hotel
Location Paltan Bazar , G.S Road
Area Guwahati
Discription In the large register of Budget Hotels in Guwahati, Hotel Trimurty International, Guwahati, India finds a noteworthy place for
itself. If you belong to the category of budget travelers and require a comfortable place to stay, this is just the apt site for you. The
airport is not far from this hotel, lying at a distance of 23 kms while the rail station is much closer, only 1 km from here.All the rooms are
replete with all up to date comforts. The neat, adequately lit, well furnished rooms also boast of carpeted floor.Even the most astute traveler
find it difficult not to ask for another helping of these lip smacking dishes. So, while you stay at this hotel, gorge
on these tasty
dishes to take pleasure of this gastronomical ride to the optimum.